Monday, August 1, 2011

Overcoming Donor Fatigue

In the past few months, we have begun to expand our reach and our scope of services.  In previous entries, I wrote about a seminar I developed entitled "How to Take Your Fundraising Events from OK to Awesome." This seminar attracted many new opportunities for SWP and allowed me to utilize my skills in many new arenas.

The process necessary for the creation of a compelling event is the same process needed for the development of new and existing relationships. Both need to keep their audiences inspired and motivated.  In an event, the goal is to connect the audience to the message.  In a donor relationship, the goal is to connect a donor’s passion to the organization’s programs. Aligning a message or a passion with an audience or donor has become a specialty of Sarah Weintraub Productions. 

I worked with a client today on how to prevent "donor fatigue," In order to keep donors inspired and connected, it is imperative for organizations to constantly deepen their relationships with them. How can they do that?  Here are a few pointers:

·               Never look at donors as  "cash vending machines.” This is a personal relationship first. 

·               Information is key. Understand who they are as individuals and what their passions are. Doing so provides valuable information about how to keep them inspired, connected and motivated.

·               Stay in contact on a regular basis with updates and exciting news about your programs and plans.  People like to be kept in the loop! Don’t underestimate the power of a personal connection.

If you are interested in learning more about what you can do to make a difference in your organization, feel free to contact me for a free initial consultation. 

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

In a League of It's Own

This year, 1,000 people attended the Aish Los Angeles Banquet at the Hilton Hotel. This was my fifteenth year producing this event. It was inspirational, entertaining and cutting-edge. Only Aish L.A. with its diverse audience and wide appeal would be able to create such a memorable night for all attendees. The banquet had something for everyone. People were still talking about it a week later.  Aish L.A. has amazing partners that are dedicated to the organization and its goals. Below is a video that I directed for Brad Berger, who was recognized as Partner of the Year.

It is always my goal to create an emotional connection between the honoree and the audience. My mini documentaries introduce the honoree to the audience in a way that is compelling and engaging.

Here are some pictures from the banquet courtesy of Jonah Light Photography.

One of the biggest projects I am currently involved with, is the Kiryat Shemona Foundation and Hesder Yeshiva. We are in the process of creating an image for the Foundation, and its associated Yeshiva in Israel, covering various online platforms. This is a multi-tiered project for Sarah Weintraub Productions and we expect to go live with the new website by the end of October.

Finally we are excited about working with Todat Tzahal (Thank Israeli Soldiers) in Israel. They have three strategic programs created specifically for IDF soldiers at various points of their service. The first one, called "Begin At The Base" is a lecture program connecting soldiers to the Land and to their heritage. The second one, "The Jerusalem Experience" provides an interactive platform in which to connect with the holy city. The final program, "MOMENTUM" is an after-army empowerment program aiding soldiers in their transition from the military back to civilian life.

Stay tuned as more things develop in the near future!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Creating New Opportunities

The last month has been a very busy and exciting month for Sarah Weintraub Productions.

I've been consulting for the Clarion Fund on the premier launch of "Iranium", an important and powerful film that highlights the ticking time bomb of Iran's nuclear capability. After being banned in Iran, it has gathered tremendous publicity throughout the world. Sean Hannity on FOX devoted an hour long show to the film and the ramifications of this nuclear threat. I have embedded a portion of the Hannity special featuring "Iranium" below.

This year once again I worked as a consultant for the Ma’aleh Film Festival. Ma'aleh returned to the Los Angeles community through the generosity and support of Lauren and Ezra Kest. I worked with Ma'aleh behind the scenes on a weekly basis for three months prior to the festival. Our goals for this trip were to raise awareness and support for the school and the key role they play in changing the landscape for young film makers in Israel. Our strategy was to associate Ma'aleh with key players in the Los Angeles entertainment industry. We created an event which accomplished all of our goals. Our attendance tripled and the added equity of the CAA Theatre gave it tremendous cache and exposure. Our hosts for this event are dedicated to the school, their work and their vision which made an enormous impression on everyone in attendance (see pictures below). For more information for Ma'aleh visit their website

I have also been traveling back and forth to Denver, Colorado, producing and directing two videos for the upcoming Aish Denver banquet to take place on March 27th at the Denver Center for Performing Arts, a magnificent venue. I am also directing and producing the live portion of the program. Aish Denver came to me with the desire to re-brand the branch and to re-establish their position in the community as an outreach center. The video presentation and the live presentation have been strategically positioned to accomplish these goals and revitalize their image. I will posting the videos shortly.

Finally I have been developing another important and exciting facet to my business, working as a consultant and coach for various organizations throughout the world. I have been using my expertise to coach my clients one-on-one on how to communicate their message effectively. One of my recent clients was particularly successful in their fund raising efforts. Together we developed a strategy to present to a potential donor. It combined the donor's passion with the organization's programing. It was a BINGO!

More exciting news to follow...